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Archives: Programs

The Inclusion Imperative

Steven Frost; 2014

This book by Stephen Frost outlines how real inclusion creates a better business environment and builds better societies. Frost shares his experience of creating an environment of real inclusion during the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic games. He lays out a roadmap that can be used by other organizations seeking to become more inclusive and discusses how “diversity and inclusion can deliver more engaged employees and customers.”

Waiter, Is that Inclusion in my Soup?

Deloitte Australia; 2013; Waiter is that Inclusion in my Soup? A New Recipe to Improve Business Performance

This document provides practical steps to identify and implement inclusion practices based on Deloitte’s Diversity, Inclusion and Business Performance survey that identified key indicators and drivers of inclusion in the workplace.

Inclusive Leadership - Will a Hug Do?

Deloitte Australia; 2012

This document discusses inclusive leadership, the benefits of working in diverse teams, and introduces Deloitte’s Diversity and Inclusion Business Integration Wheel.

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